Rhythm, Success and Daring


I know it in my bones, I know that I am doing the right thing. I know that I am on the right path. The path back to myself and I know that everything in the past has led me here, right here, to where I am this very moment. I know that I am loved and supported and that there is a higher power guiding my every step.

daring to dream

I know that I have dared to dare by leaving my comfort zone many times. Each time I have dared to dare and dream, I have stretched myself and leaped forward. I have learnt and progressed by daring to dare. I am doing it again and it’s who I am and what I do; grabbing life by the horns!


For the first time in my life, I am beginning to like myself and value myself. My feelings are important, I am important. I spent way too long with toxic, abusive people and I allowed myself to be a victim; passively living my life in the third person. Things are different now, I can ask for what I want and get it and I can make things happen and have an impact on the world around me. I have a voice and a story!

I feel it in my bones and you can too by loving and accepting who you are and embracing every bit of you!


16 thoughts on “Rhythm, Success and Daring

  1. Yes you are important! And you dare to take risks that progressively propel your growth; courage, bravery, compassion and kindness combined with assertiveness and the journey of learning to love one self. ‘The world is your oyster.’

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This post was so heartwarming! Thank you for sharing your hope! I am half British and very glad you are moving there! I desperately miss it as I live abroad now, but will eventually return in a few years when my husband’s job is over. All the best.x

    Liked by 1 person

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